Monday, April 30, 2012
Course Inner Personalities and Music Studio
Dear Friends
I wish you all a happy Queens' Day! I can totally relate to people living abroad doing much more 'Dutch stuff' than when being in Holland.. Like eating Herring, meeting other Dutch people to watch a soccer match or..for that matter.. celebrating Queens' Day all dressed up.. Not that I'm actually wearing orange clothes, but today and yesterday I'm feeling slightly more nostalgic..homesick..because I know you are having a party without me! But..I have been having a good time last week here! I hooked up with Johannes, from Denmark, to make and record music here! He is, together with some others, working on setting up a music studio here. Really great!! It's a really nice place, a recording booth and a control room with great equipment. In the recording booth the atmosphere is fabulous..with selfic paintings (selfic is material that has special spiritual conductivity), it is decorated in Mediterranean style, north African, and the place is scattered with instruments from all around the world..flutes, drums, string instruments, all kinds of rhythmic instruments, Celtic air instruments..lots and lots of kinds. Johannes and I are working on music that's a blend of our own musical baggage and of traditions and philosophies in Damanhur. Up till now it is fun and I like our raw products a lot. As soon as we finish something I can share it with you. Have no clue when that will be though.
And this weekend I participated in a very interesting course on Inner Personalities. Based on the research from Damhur regarding esoteric physics, several theory's and research has been done on the characters of everybody with a so called human soul. The course was given by a neuro-cognitive psychologist who has integrated these philosophies of Damanhur in her own knowledge. The course gave a really great understanding of both the spiritual and the physical, cognitive and emotional experiences of people. The idea is that you consist of many different personalities with their own interests. The personalities drive the bus, which is you in your body. Each personality taking a turn after the other as the driver. These personalities should learn to cooperate in order to use your energy efficient and to use your potential to an optimum. Living in a community can help you to get a better understanding of how to deal with different drivers within yourself.
Right now I'm going to prepare the dinner at my nucleo. Together with Paul, a 'house mate', from Chicago and also new life citizen.
Love to hear from you too
With you
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Dancing..Music..watching Captain America..
Hi All!
This weekend was filled with entertainment.. Damanhur is not particularly a place that puts goal-less entertainment on the agenda however. The dancing this weekend was at a Roman Catholic Celebration - st George's day. Every Catholic Saint gets his own festival in Italy, I can imagine. But Saint George is a special protective saint for the village of Vidracco. At the municipality the people of the village ate together and a settante/ottante-band was playing (70s 80s music ;-). I was the first to jump up to go to dance! Some new found friends here joined me, really nice to dance! Afterwards we went to a charity concert at Damanhur Crea (a venue from the community) where an Italian singer/songwriter played..sorry that I forgot his name! was beautiful! I had missed this! To enjoy music that is just for the sake of music, emotion, expression.. As I have said earlier, in Damanhur everything is so connected to spirituality and many other dimensions. I hadn't realized that I missed this pure music experience like this. And just now..and this was really over the edge :) I saw Captain America on DVD, in my nucleo. And since my days here are so filled, of course I spend the rest of my weekend going to the temples, working in the garden, doing some fixing in the house, going to choir practice, going to a lesson on the history of Damanhur.. But also, I almost forgot another party this weekend, on Friday, we had a group diner and party to say goodbye to one of the New Life group members (this is the 3 month program I participate in). Dear Marielle is going home, after 3 months, back to the Netherlands. She was here to write on her anthropology thesis. Just sharing some leasure time experiences this time..
With you
This weekend was filled with entertainment.. Damanhur is not particularly a place that puts goal-less entertainment on the agenda however. The dancing this weekend was at a Roman Catholic Celebration - st George's day. Every Catholic Saint gets his own festival in Italy, I can imagine. But Saint George is a special protective saint for the village of Vidracco. At the municipality the people of the village ate together and a settante/ottante-band was playing (70s 80s music ;-). I was the first to jump up to go to dance! Some new found friends here joined me, really nice to dance! Afterwards we went to a charity concert at Damanhur Crea (a venue from the community) where an Italian singer/songwriter played..sorry that I forgot his name! was beautiful! I had missed this! To enjoy music that is just for the sake of music, emotion, expression.. As I have said earlier, in Damanhur everything is so connected to spirituality and many other dimensions. I hadn't realized that I missed this pure music experience like this. And just now..and this was really over the edge :) I saw Captain America on DVD, in my nucleo. And since my days here are so filled, of course I spend the rest of my weekend going to the temples, working in the garden, doing some fixing in the house, going to choir practice, going to a lesson on the history of Damanhur.. But also, I almost forgot another party this weekend, on Friday, we had a group diner and party to say goodbye to one of the New Life group members (this is the 3 month program I participate in). Dear Marielle is going home, after 3 months, back to the Netherlands. She was here to write on her anthropology thesis. Just sharing some leasure time experiences this time..
With you
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Learning and experiencing the community philosophy of Damanhur
Dear friends
Last week I participated in a project, in the form of game, in which we learned and really experienced about the philosophy of Damanhur. A project in which I learned lessons about operating as a group, about being well within a group, about the grow process of and within a group. And I also learned about my own transformation. The way the activities were designed were so clever that it was the best lesson in how to learn the basic priciples of building a community, the Damanhurian way. And also it was for me personally, a great mirror to know where I stand in my life and why I am here now. Part of this project is not to tell too much about it, so it stays an authentic thing for everybody who ever may decide to also step in these shoes. So that everybody can experience it in an authentic way.
I am really grateful to be here, and I feel as if I get a better understanding of how to become a master creator in life. This is not only as an individual, but more, I learn how to be an authentic being a group, in a community, and how to navigate and create your own game, your own life on earth. Just to play the game of life as a creator! Together with others!
In this process of learning about Damanhur, I also feel very connected to myself en therefor to you too. I am looking forward to hearing about your lifes and about what you are hope to hear and read from you again soon as well!
With you,
Last week I participated in a project, in the form of game, in which we learned and really experienced about the philosophy of Damanhur. A project in which I learned lessons about operating as a group, about being well within a group, about the grow process of and within a group. And I also learned about my own transformation. The way the activities were designed were so clever that it was the best lesson in how to learn the basic priciples of building a community, the Damanhurian way. And also it was for me personally, a great mirror to know where I stand in my life and why I am here now. Part of this project is not to tell too much about it, so it stays an authentic thing for everybody who ever may decide to also step in these shoes. So that everybody can experience it in an authentic way.
I am really grateful to be here, and I feel as if I get a better understanding of how to become a master creator in life. This is not only as an individual, but more, I learn how to be an authentic being a group, in a community, and how to navigate and create your own game, your own life on earth. Just to play the game of life as a creator! Together with others!
In this process of learning about Damanhur, I also feel very connected to myself en therefor to you too. I am looking forward to hearing about your lifes and about what you are hope to hear and read from you again soon as well!
With you,
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Nucleo Cambio Idea
Hi dear friends
Yesterday I moved to my nucleo. The name is Cambio Idea which means Changing Idea's if I have remembered correctly. Quite an interesting concept to live in a house with about 12 people amongst which the mayor of the city of Vidracco, the doctor, her assisitant, a teacher of the school in Damanhur, allegedly one of the strongest magicians in Damanhur..a singer from the choir, a jewelry artist. Quite strong characters here in the house. Very concerned with the city of Vidracco and local politics, and in character a combination of strength, brains, humor, seriousness, interest in the experiment and also quite a lot of kindness. Everyone is also quite direct and just as in the rest of Damanhur the mentality is much like: take care of yourself! You are told what is necessary to know and the rest: figure out yourself! This is quite a way. Nothing like the 'we are all perfect angels'-attitude you sometimes come across in certain spiritual surroundings. This is the real and 'dirty' life also.
Today there was a nucleo meeting. We have spoken about a new sustainable power plant that might be built in this area (burning biomass...burning feaces to be exact, quite a new way in which this technology is used, at large scale, apparently) and about 'family'/nucleo administrative things like money and so on. I still feel very well here, although I also feel the challenge of adjusting and playing with all the ingredients here in the community. There are different levels of understanding this culture and rules and ideas are well maintained and carried out. As a new life citizin you are challenged to integrate and to really get to understand this new concept of living together. Including the magic (the rituals, the connection to others on spiritual level, the connection to nature spirits etc), the rules of the nucleo's, of the community meetings and other projects in which you are included in which you use all that happens around you as a mirror to learn and grow. Thrown in the deep, in new and uncertain circumstances in order for you to get to know your nature, by working together with others to come to a positive and creative solution..
This might sounds rather abstract..I might go in more deeply when talking about some typical events. Next week, starting this Thursday I will be offline for a couple of days to work on a che vediamo..until we meet next time, next week or so.
With love
Yesterday I moved to my nucleo. The name is Cambio Idea which means Changing Idea's if I have remembered correctly. Quite an interesting concept to live in a house with about 12 people amongst which the mayor of the city of Vidracco, the doctor, her assisitant, a teacher of the school in Damanhur, allegedly one of the strongest magicians in Damanhur..a singer from the choir, a jewelry artist. Quite strong characters here in the house. Very concerned with the city of Vidracco and local politics, and in character a combination of strength, brains, humor, seriousness, interest in the experiment and also quite a lot of kindness. Everyone is also quite direct and just as in the rest of Damanhur the mentality is much like: take care of yourself! You are told what is necessary to know and the rest: figure out yourself! This is quite a way. Nothing like the 'we are all perfect angels'-attitude you sometimes come across in certain spiritual surroundings. This is the real and 'dirty' life also.
Today there was a nucleo meeting. We have spoken about a new sustainable power plant that might be built in this area (burning biomass...burning feaces to be exact, quite a new way in which this technology is used, at large scale, apparently) and about 'family'/nucleo administrative things like money and so on. I still feel very well here, although I also feel the challenge of adjusting and playing with all the ingredients here in the community. There are different levels of understanding this culture and rules and ideas are well maintained and carried out. As a new life citizin you are challenged to integrate and to really get to understand this new concept of living together. Including the magic (the rituals, the connection to others on spiritual level, the connection to nature spirits etc), the rules of the nucleo's, of the community meetings and other projects in which you are included in which you use all that happens around you as a mirror to learn and grow. Thrown in the deep, in new and uncertain circumstances in order for you to get to know your nature, by working together with others to come to a positive and creative solution..
This might sounds rather abstract..I might go in more deeply when talking about some typical events. Next week, starting this Thursday I will be offline for a couple of days to work on a che vediamo..until we meet next time, next week or so.
With love
Friday, April 6, 2012
Oracle and Temples of Humankind
Dear friends,
I wrote this part Yesterday, sending it now while connecting to the internet again.
Today and Yesterday were both amazing days for learning to understand more about the true heart and culture and vision of Damanhur. I’d like to start with today. It is already almost 2am and I am still so exited that I don’t want to go to sleep before I have written some things down regarding my experiences of today. Every full moon they do a ritual of the Oracle in Damanhur. The Oracle is a group of people educated to connect to the divine in such way that they are able to answer questions that people have posed (you have to pose the question a month in advance). The ritual of the evening includes offering to the fire, sacred dance, drum rythms and more. And the theme for this month was using your talents to inspire others. Up forehand they had already said that everyone would be able to feel the presence of the Divine. That’s quite something to say and to expect, because you can imagine that it makes you uncomfortable in a way such as thoughts of ‘oh..I must feel something now.. am I concentrated everyone feeling something I supposed to..’etc. After I had gotten these kinds of things out of my head and had just started feeling, seeing, experiencing, I was really caught by the events. And the amazing things unfolding before me. Insights mainly. The rituals have moved me deeply. I feel so much respect for the Damanhurian people. The way they have constructed the rituals, the way they developed the translation of the sacred language into dance, the ways to contact the spirits. And all of that in an open way. The evening was accessible to all visitors, to everyone basically. And that while what they were doing was so sacred, so profound… It is a challenge finding words to what I have experienced!
After the rituals had started I became emotional, I started crying (in a way that no-one seemed to notice ;-) and moving to the drum rythms. It felt like I became to really understand why I am here. I felt like being so very on the right place for me. A feeling of home. But not as a home such as my family and friends in Holland, which is the only concept of home I have had thusfar in my life, but rather a feeling of coming home to a place in space and time where I can connect to divinity, to my past and future. Home in myself, on the same journey as others who understand that same principle. I saw past lives connected to this ritual, I intuitively understood the principles of the synchronic lines as highways into space and time. I felt as if being in an airport within space and time. Somewhere in the Universe. All of the people I spoke afterwards (or most..there was one exception who found it a little tedious) had similar experiences. So that was today.
And then Yesterday.. the visits to the temples of Humankind. A network of temples under the ground, dedicated to telling human history and honoring all religions of the world. You cannot believe the intelligence, the details, the work, the cleverness, the dedication that has been put into this place. It is just a sacred place. And the same, it feels like coming home. For everybody. It is your personal history being told. The challenges you face as a person in the different phases in your life are reflected in the art work. The challenges of your age, of your life, of being in relationships, with others, with yourself, with material things..are put into perspective of time and wisdom and history, spirituality.. It is truly amazing and again a very emotional experience to be visiting. And one of the biggest things that struck me was the common effort that has made this all possible. The community spirit. The being part of a grand work making personal efforts blend in to something that exceeds human capability as we are as individuals.
I already had a good time here, but now, after having visited these two events/places, I begin to understand some more about the tangible magic that is going on here. I have thought of all the people I love today during the ceremony. In different ways. Firstly I feel you close to me and I thought of some of you who would also love it here and whom I wished to transport to here too. And secondly I thought of feeling at place here and what that would mean to people who haven’ t been here and who are not so much interested in spirituality as myself. They might think it is some kind of strange and dangerous place where you are brainwashed. I am brainwashed alright, so it feels, but then in a way that my brain feels challenged and refreshed in an authentic way. I feel challenged to confront myself and to take responsibility and to co-create.
Well, that will be enough for now. It’s just past 2am..and I feel ready to go to sleep now, now that I have shared these thoughts. G’night!
With you, Karin
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