Hi dear friends
Today was a day of again many new impressions! Yesterday evening I felt a little sad, thinking of the lovely things, or actually people of course, I miss from home. When in search for new experiences I have left behind what has become dear to me, only to exchange it for something I have no idea of yet whatsoever. And of course, the value of new experiences can hardly be compared to beautiful memories. But then again, they are memories... Well, so today. I started with being interviewed by the QdiQ, a magazine whithin Damanhur, I was interviewed to be introduced, about my profession, about where I'm from, and what my reason for visiting Damanhur is. I don't know! I also had to say a few key characteristics of myself, with that I probably answered the first question too: I am curious, eager to learn and creative. Of course I have ideas of what I am doing here, but really, I will have to find out what it is exactly what they do here, before I can think of what it is I could contribute to the community. I had a mind blowing course today! Esoteric Physics! In Damanhur there has been 30 years of research on topics such as time traveling, talking with divine forces, changing the course of time..and more magic. My own education regarding spiritual science, scientifically, started and ended with quantum mechanics. I even brought my book from the University of Technology Eindhoven with me. And today the classes where picked up from there towards being at different places at the same time as a human, astral time traveling and physical time traveling. I bought a Damanhurian book on this topic, can't wait to learn more about their experiences. After that I participated at choir practice. The choir sings in an ancient sacred language, the rest is in Italian.. I just listen very carefully and hope that at one moment..I will start understanding it! I guess I will. My Italian classes start next Tuesday. The monastry is still very relaxed, and today a new guest arrives. Paul. He is also 'new life' and from Chicago, so I am looking forward to someone else in my home vicinity that I can actually speak to with being understood! Next week I'll probably move to a nucleo (living community) and I also found out about a nucleo inhabited by all kinds of artist and musicians. They even have a music studio! I might live there starting May..if they have place.. Well, I'll see what will happen! I'm checking out now, to be in time for diner!
With love!
Today was a day of again many new impressions! Yesterday evening I felt a little sad, thinking of the lovely things, or actually people of course, I miss from home. When in search for new experiences I have left behind what has become dear to me, only to exchange it for something I have no idea of yet whatsoever. And of course, the value of new experiences can hardly be compared to beautiful memories. But then again, they are memories... Well, so today. I started with being interviewed by the QdiQ, a magazine whithin Damanhur, I was interviewed to be introduced, about my profession, about where I'm from, and what my reason for visiting Damanhur is. I don't know! I also had to say a few key characteristics of myself, with that I probably answered the first question too: I am curious, eager to learn and creative. Of course I have ideas of what I am doing here, but really, I will have to find out what it is exactly what they do here, before I can think of what it is I could contribute to the community. I had a mind blowing course today! Esoteric Physics! In Damanhur there has been 30 years of research on topics such as time traveling, talking with divine forces, changing the course of time..and more magic. My own education regarding spiritual science, scientifically, started and ended with quantum mechanics. I even brought my book from the University of Technology Eindhoven with me. And today the classes where picked up from there towards being at different places at the same time as a human, astral time traveling and physical time traveling. I bought a Damanhurian book on this topic, can't wait to learn more about their experiences. After that I participated at choir practice. The choir sings in an ancient sacred language, the rest is in Italian.. I just listen very carefully and hope that at one moment..I will start understanding it! I guess I will. My Italian classes start next Tuesday. The monastry is still very relaxed, and today a new guest arrives. Paul. He is also 'new life' and from Chicago, so I am looking forward to someone else in my home vicinity that I can actually speak to with being understood! Next week I'll probably move to a nucleo (living community) and I also found out about a nucleo inhabited by all kinds of artist and musicians. They even have a music studio! I might live there starting May..if they have place.. Well, I'll see what will happen! I'm checking out now, to be in time for diner!
With love!
Goed leesvoer! Dankjewel! Geert (@ StudioHaen)